Nerve Zap' Pain Treatment Could Cut Need for Opioids After Surgeries
An emerging technology could zap your post-op pain away — little or no opioids needed. The technique is called percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation.
An emerging technology could zap your post-op pain away — little or no opioids needed. The technique is called percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation.
Bicep tendonitis develops when a tendon in the biceps muscle swells and becomes inflamed. It usually occurs with other problems with the shoulder, such as dislocation, impingement, or arthritis.
Many people experience shoulder pain, but some research suggests that exercise and mobility work may help.
New research has revealed a potential pitfall when it comes to the use of cryotherapy chambers to protect top flight footballers from injury. And the routine use of this extreme cold temperature treatment needs to be re-assessed. That's according to new research led by experts from Liverpool Hope University.
Lower body strengthening exercises may offload unwanted stressors on the knee joint by improving shock absorption through enhanced muscle strength.